Welcome to Rob Lee Wildflower Seeds – the renowned supplier for high quality wildflower seeds in the Midlands.
We are passionate about bringing the natural benefits of wildflowers to your landscape whether it is a garden, farm, or community. Our aim is to provide carefully selected, locally sourced, high quality wildflower seeds within the UK.

Founded in 2015 and based near Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Rob Lee Wildflower Seeds was borne from a love of nature, a desire to make a positive impact on the environment and a lifetime of seed experience. We are a dedicated team of horticulturists, environmentalists and nature enthusiasts who believe that re-establishing the role of wildflower meadows in the UK is crucial to the regeneration and preservation of our native flora and fauna.

What We Do
We specialise in cultivating, harvesting and processing wildflower seeds to create clean, species rich wildflower mixes. Our efforts are split into two parts: meadow harvesting and single species cultivation. We brush harvest a wide variety of meadows in the Midlands to provide locally sourced meadow mixes. We are extremely grateful to the meadow owners who allow us to harvest their meadows and some of these sites have become crucial donor sites over the years. Our brush harvesting is done at very low speeds and has a low impact on the flora and fauna within the meadow. In addition to this, we also grow over 50 species of wildflower on our small farm to create seed mixes that are suitable for a variety of conditions. This seed is harvested by our two small plot combines and processed here on the farm.

Our Experience
Rob Lee's interest in nature lead to a career working with native flora, from producing trees by the millions before moving on to specialise in the supply of tree seeds to the UK Woodland and Nursery Stock industry. In 2005 he became involved in projects to create new flower-rich meadows in Shropshire and started to collect wildflower seeds for single species production.
In 2019 there was an increase in interest and demand for wildflower seeds and the decision was made to invest in bespoke machinery for seed harvesting and processing to ensure we could produce, supply and process larger quantities while maintaining very high levels of purity and viability. This is all made possible by our small but highly experienced team of horticulturalists, environmentalists and nature lovers.